He settled in Roanne in 1920.
This large watercolor, not located, is most likely a view of the port of Roanne. Very good condition, tiny dirt in the sky and minimal fold at the top left Signed at the bottom right “L. Caradot”
Height 45 cm – width 54 cm
An association in Roanne “AU TEMPS DE LOUIS CARADOT” was created in 2010 with for purpose: “Bringing to life the work of Louis Caradot, a Roannais painter who died in 1980, considering that this work is of very high quality, that it is part of the pictorial movement of the last century, covering more than 50 years of this period from 1925 to 1980. And that it is one of the witnesses of the intense artistic activity in Roannais, particularly between the two world wars. Louis Caradot was one of the founders and the main leader of two Roanne cultural associations "le Cénacle" from 1927 to 1940 then of the group "Art libre" from 1945, associations bringing together artists with a humanist sensibility »
Excerpt from a conference on the painter Louis Caradot by Mr. Jean Pierre Berland, president of the association “In the time of Louis Caradot”:
“His Roan period, from 1921 to 1945, was undoubtedly the most powerful expressionist part. He painted the surrounding countryside, the canal, the port, the people in his close entourage, his first nudes. He also produced his first lithographs.... He was influenced by Maurice Tête and Jean Puy, a faithful friend who always gave him moral and even financial help. This is evidenced by the letters exchanged by the two men. He participates very actively in the artistic life of Roanne and exhibits alone or with his friends from the “Cénacle” Pierre Divisia, Michel Degenne, Maurice Aubret… René Deroudille, an eminent Lyon art critic, saw in him the leader of Roanne painters . »