"Harlequin And Fauna By Raymond Legrand"
Period: Around 1950 Style: Tapestry cardboard Condition: Excellent condition Technique: Gouache on paper Height: 34 cm Width: 30 cm Dimensions with the frame: 50/46 cm Biography of Raymond Legrand: Born in Harnes (Pas-de-Calais) . French. Painter of flowers still lifes, landscapes, painter of tapestries. He was a student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris in the Narbonne workshop. He was a lawyer for the Prix de Rome. In 1950 he showed his works in personal exhibitions in Arras and Roubaix where he participated in group exhibitions. The bold touch, the nervous design, sometimes make one think of Friesz's latest style. In the 1950s, he made cartons for tapestries Museums: Arras