"Corinthian Capital In White Hard Rock Stone Carved Gothic Style (11th - 15th)"
Corinthian capital in white hard stone carved with lobed foliage, missing elements and the rest of an old restoration which has disappeared with a wrought iron rod fixed by a casting of lead. Restoration that I left voluntarily, because it is part of the The history of the piece by showing the technique formerly used to repair broken elements. It also has on the left side a trace of dark gray paint which must be a remnant of paint which was formerly decorated by covering the stone. All in fairly good condition considering its age. POSSIBILITY OF SENDING, careful reinforced packaging, registered with signature, insurance and tracking on the internet by its number (shipping costs). SAONE ANTIQUITES store 149 rue de la Levée 01750 ST LAURENT SUR SAONE 500 meters from MACON (71000) open Tuesday to Saturday 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. and in the morning 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (if no customer quote...) call before or SMS 06 13 21 81 09, to be sure thank you... Purchase sale furniture, objects 18-19-20th, estate , sharing, estimation, clearance…