"Louis XVI Style Lacquered Wooden Screen, 19th Century"
Louis XVI Style Lacquered Wooden Screen, 19th Century Superb Lacquered Wooden Screen, Louis XVI Period, Three Leaves. This Screen Decorated with Bows, Ribbons and Ribboned Rushes. Adorned with an Engraving on its Central Leaf, and Six Small Beveled Mirrors on Each of the Other Leaves. The Lower Parts Upholstered with a Fabric Decorated with Flowers, Upholstery Nail Finish. Very Beautifully Made Furniture, Very Beautiful Decorative Element. Louis XVI Style Work from the 19th Century. Dimensions: Height: 169.5 cm Total Width: 136 cm In good condition, note wear and marks on the rear fabric. We are at your disposal for any additional information. WWW.DANTAN.STORE