"Oil On Italian Canvas From 1600, Salome With The Head Of The Baptist. The Story: The Preacher "
Oil on Italian canvas from 1600, Salome with the head of the Baptist. The story: The preacher John the Baptist relates that Herod has an incestuous and adulterous love with Herodias. Herodias takes the ball and convinces Salome to ask Herod, as his wish, to have John the Baptist's head in a basin. Origin: Italy Period: 1600 Dimensions: 150x110h cm Code: 933 Visit our website www.centromercatoantiquariato.it +39 3469410359 Email: customer@centromercatoantiquariato.it link to the product: https: //www.centromercatoantiquariato.it/it/dipinti -e-quadri-antichi / 1503-quadri-antichi-salome-con-la-testa-del-battista-olio-su-tela-italiano-del-1600.html Buy securely in our store with PayPal