Fine Art

The 150th Anniversary of Impressionism Celebrated by PROANTIC

At PROANTIC, we also want to celebrate Impressionism, this time of exceptional artistic vitality born in France. To echo the 150 years of Impressionism, we challenge ourselves to present you 150 Impressionism-related works showcased on PROANTIC over 2024.

We are going to cover Impressionism from all fronts. Obviously, with artworks from this movement. Additionnally, we will address how the impressionists came to existence: their artistic influences, but also the societal and cultural environment they lived in. Furthermore, we will look at their legacy and the movements they inspired.

Will we manage to get to that 150 target? Suspense. Please return often to this page to check our progress and enjoy the works of art and objects that will give life to 150 years of Impressionism.

  1. Eugène Boudin and Johan-Bartold Jongkind: Inspiring Claude Monet and Impressionism ~ 5 paintings and watercolors
  2. The Colors of Snow: Impressionist Snow Paintings ~ 5 paintings
  3. Émile Zola and Impressionism: Monet, Cézanne, Manet ~ 5 collectibles and artworks
MAIN STORY: Let There Be Light, Celebrating 150 Years of Impressionism ~

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