""ancient Big Persian Kettle""
"Ancient Persian kettle", chiseled red copper and cast bronze. The re-use of the central part which dates from the 18th century or earlier, completed by a double cover, a handle and a support, attests to the value that was given to it. It must be said that the quality of the carving decorated with jasmine and "Tears of Buddha" is exceptional, far superior to that of the additions. The patina of old leather that copper takes over the centuries underlines its interest. I think that we introduced embers in the central tube by the small cover, the foot being used to insulate the table from the heat, and the water by the large one. Do not hesitate to ask us for photos or additional information by email or phone. Other photos and many other objects in our stores in Pau and Biarritz and on our website: galerielhoste.com.