"Saint Christopher Carrying The Child Jesus"
An oil painting on copper, made circa 1700 in Spain, showing Saint Christopher carrying the Child Jesus. Original frame in carved and gilded wood. The latter presents the crossing of the river by Saint Christopher barely carrying the Child Jesus. This hagiographic episode is found in the "Légende dorée" where the Canaanite giant Christophe, devoting his life to the most powerful lord in the world, brings with difficulty what he thought was only a child. His gaze towards the Child reflects this emotion, he then understands that it is Christ; the latter carries the crucigerous orb which symbolizes the world that He created. Saint Christopher is dressed in a red drape which leaves his upper body visible and wears a headband (almost a turban); this element refers on the one hand to another biblical character often represented in this way, Samson, and on the other hand, it makes the link with the headband used in the liturgy.
Period : late 17th – early 18th century
Frame dimensions :
Height : 25,6 cm
Width : 19,8 cm
View dimensions :
Height : 19,1 cm
Width : 14 cm
Condition : chips on the frame and painting